Garden Kids Ministry
At Sedge Garden, we understand the importance of providing a safe and welcoming environment for children to learn about God. That's why all of our children's ministry leaders and volunteers are safe-sanctuary approved. We offer a variety of engaging programs and activities for children of all ages that are designed to help them grow in their faith and build meaningful relationships with other kids. Join us for our children's ministry services and see the difference for yourself!

During First Fruits (8:30am on Sundays)

Small Groups
Starting in Preschool, the Garden Kids have Small Groups that are divided based on age and grade level. These Small Groups meet weekly between the two worship services from 9:45-10:45. This is a time for them to dive more in-depth to the Bible story that is presented during the Garden Kids Worship. Each Small Group has consistent leaders each week, so relationships are built within the group, providing a safe place for the Garden Kids to learn and grow to know God.
Programming for Garden Kids
An active, fun, and welcoming community for children from birth to 5th Grade, where learning, worship, service, and discipleship is geared to young people in way that is meaningful to them on their journey to meet and get to know God!
During both worship services and Small Groups, a Nursery is available for children from birth to age two. Between our two Nursery Staff, Ms. Penny and Ms. Sonia, and our faithful Nursery volunteers, your child will be cared for and loved while you worship and study each Sunday.

Easter Egg Hunt
We all know what Easter really means, and for the kids, we love to watch them enjoy the fun traditions of Easter! Each year, we host a huge Easter Egg Hunt for Preschoolers through 5th graders. We also have Easter crafts, a donut breakfast, and the highlight – pictures with the Easter Bunny! Be sure to join us for this family fun event!

Pumpkin Patch
Every September we host a pumpkin patch with lots of fun pumpkin activities. As we sell pumpkins to the community, we are raising money to support The Garden Kids, Youth, and Music ministries of Sedge Garden UMC. From pumpkin planters to pumpkin carving…who knew pumpkins could be so much fun!

Club 3-4-5
The 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders meet once a month for an event geared just for them. Gathering to play board games or heading out to play putt-putt, packing bags for people who are experiencing homelessness or making blankets in the winter, and getting to know God through Bible study and worship are among a few of the things that Club 3-4-5 does each month. We also gather with other older elementary students at the annual overnight retreat at Camp Merriwood, hosted by the Western NC Conference of the UMC. Club 3-4-5 serves as a great transition opportunity between the Garden Kids Ministry and the Youth Ministry.

It’s a fact – kids love candy! Each Halloween, we host a Trunk-or-Treat in the church parking lot, providing kids and families a fun and friendly trick-or-treating experience. Be sure to join us in your best costumes!

Vacation Bible School
We know that for kids, studying the Bible occurs best when we infuse fun activities. Each year, we provide a Vacation Bible School (VBS), which offers four days of Bible learning, dancing, craft-making, and outdoor gaming fun! A true community event, we host Preschoolers through 5th graders and offer a summer experience that leaves a lasting impression on our young disciples. Be sure to join us this summer and celebrate learning about Jesus in a fun and interactive way!

Garden Kids' Nativity
Each year the Garden Kids perform a creative rendition of the Christmas story. We host a pancake supper for the whole church, sing Christmas carols, and hear the story of our Savior's birth through the eyes of a child.