Sedge Garden Ministries
We believe in putting faith into action through a variety of ministries that serve our congregation and community. Our Manna Ministries provide essential support by donating food, clothing, and other items to those in need. Our Children and Youth Ministries nurture the spiritual growth of young people, helping them build a strong foundation of faith. Through our Community Connections Ministries, we engage with our congregation and community by service and volunteer efforts, fostering meaningful relationships and making a positive impact in our community. Explore our 17 diverse ministries and discover how you can get involved.
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Interested in any of these ministries? Get in touch to learn more.

Manna Ministries
Our church proudly supports the following ministries by donating money, clothing, food (including over 800 lbs. grown in our very own garden past year), and other essential items to these ministries:
Hall Woodward & Smith Farms
Elementary Schools

Crisis Control
Our Crisis Control Ministry provides help with basic life needs to those facing a crisis in Forsyth and Stokes Counties. Over 931 lbs. of food and items have been donated this year. Each month is a different type of donation, which ensures a wide variety of nutrition and items are available to those in need.
Items donated within the past year: canned meat stews, canned greens, black-eyed peas, cornbread mix, pancake mix, syrup, spices, canned pastas, toilet paper, instant grits, oatmeal, flour, sugar.

Blessing Box
Located on our church’s campus, in the larger parking lot, directly outside the covered entrance is our Blessing Box. This small pantry is stocked with non-perishable food items, available to anyone in need, 24/7. The Blessing Box operates on a "Take what you need, leave what you can" basis, providing a simple way for our community to help one another. If you would like to contribute, donations of non-perishable food items are always welcome. Together, we can make a difference!

Shalom Project
The Shalom Project runs programs that challenge the cycle of poverty in our community with a spirit of inclusion, compassion, and justice. Approximately 325 donations have taken place over the past year, often made in red bags, which contain a variety of essential items or meals.

Feed the Hunger Pack - a - Thon
Join us each November where volunteers come together to pack thousands of nutritious meals for those in need around the world. It's a hands-on way to fight hunger and make a difference in countless lives. This past year we had over 120 volunteers who packed over 32,300 meals!

Our backpack program proudly supports over 72 children by providing over 7,714 lbs. of food donations which ensures children are able to have nutritious meals each weekend during the school year. In addition, students are encouraged to do good deeds by receiving reward bags, which includes snacks and school items.
Garden Kids
Our church nurtures and empowers children through meaningful programs and events. In 2024, 77 children participated in Vacation Bible School, raising $920 for our backpack program. Weekly attendance includes an average of 21 children in Garden Kids worship and 38 children in Small Groups. Special events included a District 3rd-5th grade retreat (11 children) along with the children and youth hosting community events such as an Easter Egg Hunt and pictures with Santa.
Visit our Garden Kids page for more details.

School scholarships
Our church is committed to supporting the educational pursuits of hardworking students by providing scholarships. Each year, we award $5,000 in scholarships to students pursuing higher education, helping to ease the financial burden of college costs and invest in their future success.

Children and Youth

Grounded Youth Ministry (GYM)
SGUMC proudly supports 17 youth in the Grounded Youth ministry. Special events this past year included a summer mission trip (12 youth), Wilderness Trail (8 youth). Garden Kids and Youth also hosted community events such as an Easter Egg Hunt and pictures with Santa. Four youth attended the Junior/Senior Retreat, and we recently welcomed six new members to the Youth Group!
Visit our Youth page for more details.

Project HOPE
Project Hope offers assistance to students and their families in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County schools. Each year the Fellowship class throws a graduation party for the graduating seniors who Project Hope serves. Each celebration includes a a meal, speaker, cap and gown photo op, and a goodie bag including at least one gift card.
Homebound Ministry
Much needed visits are made by the pastor and members of the Congregational Care team to our homebound and residential facilities residents throughout the church year. Flowers, sweets and cards are delivered frequently. Most popular are the Christmas and Easter Caroling visits that include Holy Communion and of course bubbles! Along with a gift bag of goodies from congregational care and Stitches of Love.

Golden Agers
The Golden Agers is a very vibrant group of seniors in our church. The year a church member turns 80, he/she is invited to attend our monthly Golden Agers meetings. Lunch is served at all of the meetings and a program or activity to follow the meal. Transportation is provided for those who no longer drive. It is a wonderful time of food, fun, and fellowship for all! This program is coordinated by a group of ladies who call themselves the “Golden Girls”. In addition to the monthly meetings, Golden Agers receive birthday and seasonal cards throughout the year.

Stitches of Love
Like elves in Santa’s toy shop, items such as lap quilts, prayer shawls, Foley bags; privacy sheets, bears, bibs, pillows and walker bags are produced to give to our shut ins, nursing homes, hospitals and hospice homes. Fidget aprons and dish clothes and jar openers are widely requested among our congregation. Over 700 items are produced each year.

Operation Christmas Child -
Samaritans Purse
Our church proudly participates in Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse. Through this outreach, we fill shoeboxes with toys, household supplies, and hygiene items, bringing joy and hope to children in need around the world. Each box is a tangible expression of God's love, and our congregation is honored to be part of this global effort to spread kindness and share the message of Christ. In 2023, 57 boxes were donated.

Community Connection Ministries

Adult Fellowship
Our Adult Fellowship is back! Adults are invited to join monthly gatherings at different restaurants for food and fellowship. Before Covid, we visited 63 restaurants in 5 years, and since restarting in March, we’ve added 6 more, bringing the total to 69. We look forward to continuing this wonderful tradition with God’s grace.

Stephen Ministry
Now in its thirteenth year, Stephen Ministry continues to offer confidential one-on-one Christian care and support to both church members and community people in crisis. Topics have included death grief, job loss, divorce, health concerns such as cancer, spouse with dementia, and relationship distress.

Toys for Tots
Toys for Tots is a program run by the United States Marine Corps Reserve which distributes toys to children whose parents cannot afford to buy them gifts for Christmas. This past December, our church collected a sleigh-full of gifts, along with four boxes full of gifts, and six bicycles.

Blood Drive
Our Blood Drive is a vital part of our community outreach, helping to save lives through the generous donations of our congregation. So far this year, we’ve collected a total of 52 pints of blood, making a significant impact on those in need. Each donation is a powerful gift that can help save up to three lives!