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Sunday Groups

A.S.K. (Ask Seek Knock)

Room 134
90% of the class is Bible Study. Taught by various members of class.


Contact: Todd Braun

Manuel Class

Room 124
The class was created by and named in honor of Bill Manuel and his portrait hangs in a place of honor in our room. Our mission statement is “We work together, play together, pray together, stay together.”

Contact: Ron Tuttle

Fellowship Class

Room 210
Our class uses DVD studies that are normally 4-6 sessions and we have discussions about the material after each session. We do several mission projects throughout the year and have several social gatherings.

Contact: Jerry Hamilton

CAYA (Come As You Are) Class

Room 205
Class is a discussion based class where we take the scripture and discuss the historical and current implications for our daily lives. All are welcome.

Contact: Susan Piotrowski

B.A.S.I.C. (Brothers And Sisters In Christ)

Room 211
Group of 20-30 year old adults who enjoy studying Christ and how He works in our day-to-day life. We are active in the church and in our community, providing a hand where needed.

Contact: Anna Gray

Weekly and Monthly Groups

Monday School

Meets Mondays 6:30 - 7:30pm in the A.S.K Sunday School classroom.


Class was started by Steve Holland in 2004 for those who are unable to meet on Sunday mornings. Members are “young” 60s - 70s. Generally book study with class discussion led by members in the class.


This group enjoys providing food bags at Christmas for Union Cross Elementary families in need and other causes throughout the year.


Check out Monday school if you are trying to find a better understanding of the Bible.

Senior Adult Fellowship

All adults welcome, but the group consists of mainly those 65+. Once a month the group takes the church busses for food and fellowship. Many participants are widows or widowers who wouldn’t normally go out by themselves. They have been to over 66 different restaurants in 5 years. Many times the trips are to a “mystery” restaurant which adds to the fun.

United Methodist Men

Typically meets the 1st Sunday of each month in the Fellowship Hall at 7 am for breakfast and meeting.


Our purpose: “United Methodist Men shall be a creative, supportive fellowship of men who seek to know Jesus Christ, to grow spirituality and to seek daily his will.”


We are involved in various fund raisers aimed at supporting Church projects and community ministries. We traditionally support our Scouts, Open Arms Ministry, Wilderness Trail backpacking ministry, Feed the Hunger ministry, Habitat for Humanity, and many other Church activities. We also help with chores for the elderly or impaired in our community. All men at Sedge Garden United Methodist Church are welcome to join us and participate in fellowship and our various projects.

Golden Agers (80+ year olds)

The year a member is turning 80 years old they are invited to become a member of this group of octonaries plus fellow church members for fun, food, fellowship, and friendship.

The Golden Agers meet on the third Monday of the month in the Brian Ray Holland Fellowship Hall. The meeting time is 1:00 -3:00 p.m. Most activities include a small meal. Events are themed and educational/informational programs are interspersed with playful game dates such as bingo, show and tell and cardmaking.

The Golden Agers are coordinated by a group of women playfully called the “Golden Girls.” Debby Alexander, Yvonne Coffey, Sharon Hennis, Diana Ross, Rhonda Stack, and Anne White. The Golden Girls send cards for birthdays and holidays and plan the monthly meeting for the Golden Agers. They serve as watchful caregivers for this aging population.

Invitations to become a golden ager is extended to those who’s birthdays are on record with the church office. If you are 80 years or older and have not received your invitation, please contact a Golden Girl. You are most welcome to join in on all the fun.

United Methodist Women

Sedge Garden United Methodist Church is proud to be a Golden UMW Unit with four women’s groups to choose among. The different groups offer a variety of opportunities to develop relationships with the Lord and fellow sisters in Christ. Annually, all four groups sponsor Christmas dinners for over 70 needy families. You do not have to be a member of Sedge Garden UMC to attend our meetings. All women any age are invited to attend the different meetings and discover which one best feeds their heart and soul. You are always welcome!

  • Millennium Circle is a modern nontraditional group. These sisters in Christ do not spend much of their time in meetings but are always doing direct mission work and community service. The group is made up of both working and retired women. Activities include working with local UMAR homes for adults with disabilities, Hall Woodward School, the backpack program; and Crisis Control ministry. Contact their leader to find out how to join in on their diverse list of service projects.

  • Rachel’s Daisy Garden offers a blend of traditional UMW programming and Christian fellowship. The group’s meetings are held in individual members’ homes or in the church at 7 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month. The daisies support Open Arms Ministries, Hall Woodward and Smith Farms Schools among other outreach programs.

  • Rachel’s Rose Garden is a Bible focused service and fellowship group of women made up of both retired and working women. Their primary support goes to Smith Farms School and needs within the church family. The group has two meal teams. The group’s meetings are held in individual members’ homes at 7 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month.

  • Rachel’s Tulip Garden is made up of both working and retired women (ages 35+) with a primary focus on service projects. The group meets at the church on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Their programs are based upon the UMW Response magazine. Each month the ladies do a card ministry and hands on projects such as making throw blankets and neck pillows for shut-ins. The women often assist with meals such as preparing a supper for habitat for humanity building teams. The tulips currently support the backpack ministry, Golden Agers and Smith Farms and Hall Woodward School.

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